
Thank you for purchasing XTZL 3D printer supplies. You can download the user manual and software here. They are the same files in SD. We will post the latest documents here.

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1. Files in SD Card

2. XTZL3D DMP 3D Printer Manual

TL-D3 Pro Manual


3. Cura 4.10 for XTZL3D DMP 3D Printer, This software has all built-in XTZL3D DMP 3D Printer Setting Parameters

Cura for Tenlog DMP 3D Printer

4. Firmware and UI for XTZL3D DMP 3D Printer

Please email to

to ask the newest Firmware


5. Software and Drivers for Firmware


6. TL-D3 Pro.curaprofile for Windows

Tenlog Cura for Windows

._TL-D3 Pro.curaprofile for MacOS

Tenlog Cura Setting for MacOS


7. Pictures of Cura's Parameters for XTZL3D DMP 3D Printer

Pictures of Cura's Parameters


8. Simplify 3D .FFF for XTZL3D DMP 3D Printer(Powered by Simon Lernpeiss), try this one first


Simplify 3D .FFF for XTZL3D DMP 3D Printer(Powered by Copymaster 3D)


 9. How to Brush the motherboard tutorial